Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 12, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: GOP "Doomsday" plan for fiscal cliff spells doom...for GOP

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GOP "Doomsday" plan for fiscal cliff spells doom for the GOP: WyBlog
Night of the Dull Knives: Camp o' the Saints
Shocking: House Republicans Cave on Taxes, Entitlements: Foundry

Mark Levin goes Nuclear on John Boehner: Scoop
Future Generations: Williams
Boehner tax increase sparks conservative backlash: Times

Master of the plausible lie: Sowell
Christmas for Obama Bundlers: Malkin
Ryan: We're Further From Agreement Than When We Started: Ace


Let’s Be Honest, Call Modern Democrat Party The Socialist Party: CFP
Taxes hikes are a distraction. It is all about spending.: FW
Obama Is A Man Who Has Never ...: Boortz

SoCal Port Strike Costs $1B a Day; Clerks Reject $190K Offer: RS
Doing just fine! Obama says ‘economy is poised to take off’: Twitchy
The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts: American

Scandal Central

With Purge, House GOP Leadership Reaches New Low: Cato
House GOP Leaders Purged Conservatives Using Secret List: Breitbart
Rep. Justin Amash slams GOP leadership: ‘They booted me for working to reduce debt’: Twitchy

Climate & Energy

How A Spanish Scam Artist Punk'd The Ukraine For $1.1 Billion: ZH
Oyster Farm Loses To Federal Bullies And Eco-Fanatics: IBD


Meet the Press, Check the Facts: Cato
Gergen: Democrats would rather humiliate GOP than solve fiscal cliff: Hot Air
Michael Moore received $841,145 in incentives to film anti-corporate welfare documentary in Michigan: Exam

Barack Obama thinks cable news is the devil, long live cable news: NakedDC
Dumb Statement From Romney Advisor Stuart Stevens: Ace
Piers Morgan never saw it coming.: Gun Free Zone

Costas: Gee, Maybe My 20-Second Easy-Bake Gun Control Screed Wasn't Appropriate: Ace
Americans oppose Obamacare by 10 point margin: WS
‘Reporter’ Kelly O’Donnell: Squee! Obama sat next to a GOP girl governor at meeting; secret message?: Twitchy


All Class: Obama Says Republicans, Not al Qaeda, Are Top National Security Threat: Beacon
CAIR Takes Out Full-Page Ad Calling For “Improved Relationship” With Republicans: WZ
"A protest by tens of thousands of Egyptians outside the presidential palace in Cairo turned violent": AP

Obama's Bestest Pal In Cairo Flees His Pharaoic Palace As Demonstrators Battle Police: Ace
The Russian Limbaugh: Cube
Did You Hear Gen. Boykin’s Warnings about Obama's Brand of Marxism?: NoisyRm

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Google Deserves Our Gratitude; FTC Deserves Our Condemnation: ObjStd
Irrelevancy Leads to Failure – Worry for Yahoo, Microsoft, HP, Sears, etc.: InnovExc
Windows 8 Flops: Twitchy


Benghazi => ‘High On A Mountaintop’: RSM
PETA Crashes Biker Gathering… Not to be missed…: Steady Drip
Diplomacy In the Age of Nuclear Wintour: MOTUS

Image: Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Tell John Boehner To Stop Purging Fiscal Conservatives!

QOTD: "This isn't rocket science. Everyone knows that when you take money out of the economy, it destroys jobs, and everyone knows that when you give politicians more money, they spend it. This is why Republicans must oppose tax increases and insist on real spending reductions that shrink the size of government and allow Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money." --Jim DeMint

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