Gore's statement, in part, was: "The entire polar icecap [will be] gone... ...in five years, the period in which it is now expected to disappear."
You may remember that Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, depicted rising ocean levels due to ice melt. And Gore predicted our shores will flood and coastal cities would sink beneath the water, thereby causing millions of homeless to relocate to Red States. In fact, the movie posits that melting ice could release enough water to cause a 20-foot rise in sea level "in the near future."

And, by the way, weren't we warned all this was going to happen by, say, 2010? I guess maybe it took a rain-check and now it's 2013. Put in simple terms for the
But just in case, I've created a Polar Ice-Cap Countdown Clock:
If the North Pole really does melt, I'm hoping Santa and his elves take over one of Gore's three mansions. Maybe the one in Nashville that consumes 20 times the average American household's electricity. At least the little toy-makers will be producing something useful.
Yes, Al, you hack. I remember these predictions. I'm like an elephant. I don't forget your B.S.
• The UN's Global Warming Bunko Scam
• Al Gore's Inconvenient Fiction: a $250 Billion Scam
• Global Warming Frenzy Ignores China and Iran
• Crushing Al Gore's Global Warming Profiteers
• Al Gore's Carbon Offset Going-Out-of-Business Sale!
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