Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 8, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Questions Harry Reid won’t answer, part I

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Questions Harry Reid won’t answer, part I: Hot Air
‘Pretty Much a Hate Crime’--7 Dead in Sikh Temple Shooting : RSM
Chick-fil-A and "Free Water": Ace

The Wealthy Liberal Elite: AK Dart
238-Acre Beach to be Shut Down for Obama Fundraisers: Powers
Ted Cruz at #RSG12 gives credit to Marco Rubio and bloggers: RS

The Morphing of the Tea Party: Cary
The Reparation Agenda: Obama’s religion of reparations: RBO2
Sikh Temple Shooting Already Being Blamed on Republicans: LoneCon


70 Econ Facts Obama Doesn’t Want You To See: Blaze
The Big Boob Conundrum: Koch's Tour
Fiscal Ransacking: Press-Enterprise

Obama's Solution To Housing Problems: Repeat Same Mistakes: RWN
Unions, GOP raise alarm on Obama's amnesty power-grab: Events
Built By Obama: What You See Is Not What You Get: Cube

Scandal Central

The Hysteria In Mexico Caused By Fast & Furious: Breitbart
John McLaughlin: New Solyndra Revelations 'Will Become Damaging to Obama's Reelection': NB
Rahm 'Super Hot for This'—the Mayor's Role in Solyndra: ChicagoMag

Climate & Energy

EPA Moving to Control All Water in the United States: Sentinel
James Hansen Blames Every Weather Event On Hotcoldwetdry: Cove
Inhofe Asks EPA to Withdraw Greenhouse Gas Regulations: Power Engineering

It’s Not What Global Warming Looks Like, It’s What Mother Nature Looks Like.: Elephant
Climate Realist Quote Of The Day: Cove
Military adding more electric vehicles to fleet: Stars & Stripes


Some Things Never Change: Driscoll
David Plouffe: Democrats Have the Momentum: Ace
Reuters suffers double hack: Register

NRA, Republicans, Tea-Party and Christians get blamed for Sikh Temple shooting on Twitter (as usual): FAM
How to Politicize a Tragedy: Sooper
Harry Reid Is A Corrupt, Dirty Lying Suspected Pederast: Riehl

Two administration in one: Summer of Recovery Edition: Driscoll
Jenna Jameson Speaks Her Mind, Proggies Attack: RWN
Team Obama Refuses To Repudiate Reid's Lies: YouTube


Captain Bullcrap Steps On Himself: RS
“We Need Leaders, Not Appeasers”: GoV
Gunman kills 6 in rampage at Sikh temple in WI: Post

Rumsfeld: 'If I were Israel, I wouldn't tell the US before I attacked Iran' : Matzav
Are American Jews Feeling Buyer’s Remorse?: Power Line
Israeli officials slam Obama's 'wretched' Iran red line: ynet

Obama's '08 campaign manager got $100K from Iranian affiliate : Matzav
IDF in heavy firefight with terrorists on Gaza border: JPost
Islamists kill 15 Egyptians, Israel strikes attackers: Reuters


Why Internet Pirates Always Win: Slashdot
NASA rover reaches surface of Mars: Post
15 handy Twitter tips and tricks: TechRadar


NASA's Curiosity Mars landing successful, first pictures trickling in (video): Engadget
Birthday Blues: MOTUS
1 dead, 9 injured in lightning strike at Pocono: 6-ABC

Image: Sondrakistan
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Sometimes, and in some places, in California I think we have nearly descended into Miller’s dark vision [of The Road Warrior] — especially the juxtaposition of occasional high technology with premodern notions of law and security. The state deficit is at $16 billion. Stockton went bankrupt; Fresno is rumored to be next. Unemployment stays over 10% and in the Central Valley is more like 15%. Seven out of the last eleven new Californians went on Medicaid, which is about broke. A third of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California. In many areas, 40% of Central Valley high school students do not graduate — and do not work, if the latest crisis in finding $10 an hour agricultural workers is any indication. And so on...

...Illegal immigration did its share. No society can successfully absorb some 6-7 million illegal aliens, in less than two decades, the vast majority without English, legality, or education from the poorer provinces of Mexico, the arrivals subsidized by state entitlements while sending billions in remittances back to Mexico — all in a politicized climate where dissent is demonized as racism. This state of affairs is especially true when the host has given up on assimilation, integration, the melting pot, and basic requirements of lawful citizenship." --Victor Davis Hanson

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