Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: ALEC Shakedown Shows Danger of DISCLOSE

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ALEC Shakedown Shows Danger of DISCLOSE: AmCom
Beware the Ides of October: Hanson
NC looks worse by the day for Democrats: Times

The Most Anti-Business President Ever: DLim
Axelrod lies again: yes, Obama uses tax shelters: Patterico
Obama Wants To Restore ‘Decency’ To US Politics: S&L

A Letter to Young Voters: Prager
Senate to vote on Orwellian DISCLOSE Act--again: Malkin
King expects immigration lawsuit against Obama in weeks: DC


Stunner… Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare: GWP
Farewell, Welfare Reform: NRO
President Obama Is Wrong about Businessmen: Cato

Companies Fire Workers To Avoid O-Care Penalty: S&L
Look Who's Holding the Economy Hostage Now: IBD
The Socialist State's Insatiable Demand for More Taxes: AmPower

No Joke: Obama Says 'Proudest Achievement' Is...Economy: WZ
JPMorgan just gave a calamitous economic forecast for Obama: Peth
Retail Sales decline 0.5% in June: CalcRisk

Scandal Central

Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal: Foundry
SEIU Subpoenaed in Milwaukee Investigation: Breitbart
At U.S. Treasury Golf During Work, Hookers, Illegal Gifts: JW

Abetting Vote Fraud in the Name of Fairness: Conservatory
Minnesota: The Latest Shameful Attack on Voter ID: Foundry
Cherokees to Elizabeth Warren: “You can’t even look me in the eye”: LI

Climate & Energy

Vindication: We Told You So: Elephant


Perpetuating Obama’s Tax-Cut Lies: Sowell
Book: Obama’s Communist mentor influenced his political beliefs: DC
As A Teen, Obama Deeply Influenced By Communist Mentor: Kengor

Florida: the Crazy State: RSM
No, Edolphus, Health Care is Not a “Right” or a “Privilege”: ObjStd
Another Hollywood Millionaire Outs Self as Faux-Socialist Hypocrite: Zombie

Are Race Riots News?: Sowell
I Am Offended by Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That Business’ Comment: VaRight
Mark Levin: The RINOs are wrong, again (he means Bill Kristol): Scoop


Israel Preparing for al-Qaeda on its Borders: Gatestone
Peugeot Has 51% Chance of Debt Default; France Will Not Let Peugeot Lay Off Workers: Mish
US Navy Ship Fires on Boat off Dubai, Killing 1: ABC

Suicide of the Western Media: Spencer
Death Panel Update: UK Article Recommends Dehydrating Dementia Patients to Death to Save Money: GWP
France's Wealthy Flee The Country And Go Galt: JoshuaPundit


An iPad Lover’s Take On The Nexus 7: Crunch
What To Look For During Microsoft’s Announcement Of Office 2013 Today: Crunch
Flummoxed by Failure—or Focused?: WSJ


Photo: the sports car stolen 42 years ago and recovered after owner spotted it on eBay: AP
Sly and Lovable Gadsden Rattlesnake on People's T-Shirts: Cube

Image: "I Am Offended by Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That Business’ Comment"
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "Americans generally admire people who've built up their own successful businesses through hard work, investment of money and huge amounts of time - so much so that this is a key component of the American Dream. So when politicians talk about making these businesses - particularly small ones - pay much higher taxes and fees, it also seems unfair that those who've made risks and worked very hard to build something should be the very ones to be singled out to have more of their earned wealth taken away. That also sets the unfairness neurons a-twitchin'.

The left knows this which is why they're always looking for some way to disqualify and devalue the achievements of successful entrepreneurs. So it's no surprise that both Elizabeth Warren and Obama (using nearly the same words) claim that no one really builds a business by themselves - it's really the result of government help, the work of other people, and plain luck." --Maetenloch at Ace o' Spades

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