• 22 April 2012 - On Meet the Press, "unemployed douchebag Keith Olbermann declares gas prices [are] set deliberately high to screw Obama." Probably by
• 9 May 2006 - On CBS News, "Bush, Big Oil, Slammed On Pump Prices" blamed a conspiracy of President George W. Bush and his oil buddies for driving prices higher.

Respectively, the driver of gas prices -- at least according to the Democrat "intelligentsia" -- are: (a) speculators targeting Obama; (b) Bush conspiring with big oil to keep prices high; (c) Bush conspiring with big oil to keep prices too low.
Not supply and demand. Not the free market.
But malevolent actors imagined by Democrat hacks.
Folks, these people are so stupid I'm surprised they can breathe without mechanical assistance.
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