Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: How to Talk to an Undecided Voter

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How to Talk to an Undecided Voter: ConCom
The Constitution vs. Obamacare: NRO
Supreme Court and Obamacare: Day One of the Hearings: LifeNews

The Left No Longer Finds Dissent Patriotic: RS
DCCC employs 9/11 Truther as spokesman: Beacon
Allen West Attacked by AstroTurf Leftist Organization: Shark Tank

Why the health care reform law is unconstitutional: Somin
Was Trayvon Martin a drug dealer?: Owens
Police: Trayvon Slammed Zimmerman’s Head Into Sidewalk: JWF


Why Obamacare is Illegal (and Why it Matters): Bruce
Side Effects: Doctors Fear Obamacare: Foundry
White House considered $170B soda tax to pay for Obamacare: Peth

Obamacare: Will the Court Vindicate Itself?: DLim
Harry Reid: We Need High-Speed Rail From the Desert to Vegas: Marfdrat
E-Mail to Corzine Said Transfer Was Not Customer Money: Yahoo!

Climate & Energy

If at first you don't succeed, re-brand!: Power Line
U.S. Oil Production Increases In Spite of Team Obama’s Best Efforts: PJM
East Coast poised to lose 50 percent of its oil refining capacity: Reuters


No, Seriously, Zimmerman Said "Punks": Ace
Geraldo's Point: Sowell
An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing: TSG (NSFW)

Why Was NY Times Reporter Jeff Zeleny Doing Romney Campaign’s Bidding?: RSM
Santorum Chews Out NYT’s Jeff Zeleny: ‘Quit Distorting My Words… It’s Bullsh*t!’: Mediaite
Obama unwittingly cuts a campaign ad for the GOP: Beacon


Does Vladimir Putin know more about Obama’s second-term agenda than U.S. voters?: Peth
Obama To Putin: ‘More Flexibility’ After Nov: S&L
Obama’s Revealing Comments to Medvedev: Commentary

Congressman to Obama: You’d better not be trading away our missile defense, champ: Hot Air
Germany In the Grip of Muslim Terror: Creeping
Attention shoppers! Saudi man divorces wife over mall loudspeaker: JihadWatch

North Korean satellite launch a cover for Iranian long-range missile test: Matzav
‘Islamists’ To Write New Egypt Constitution: S&L
Elderly dying due to 'despicable age discrimination in NHS': Telegraph

Turner to Obama: What Flexibility?: Beacon
America’s caste system when it comes to mass murder: Bookworm
China unveils new legislation on police powers of detention: Guardian


Cameron: Earth's deepest spot desolate, foreboding: AP
Morphlabs Rolls Out All-SSD Private Cloud in a Box: Wired
Gravity-defying workouts lift fitness routines: Trib


20 Of Trayvon Martin’s Tweets That Stand Out (Language Warning): Hawkins
To Hell With All Those Diet Trackers! Track Your Bacon Instead.: Mardrat
Batman Stopped by Police: CBS DC

Image: Urban Infidel
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "If the "necessary and proper" clause allows Congress to adopt the individual mandate, the same logic would justify almost any other mandate. Virtually every mandate has some economic effect and could be portrayed as a "useful or convenient" way to regulate some market. A broccoli mandate could be defended as an effort to regulate the market in food.

The threat to liberty raised by this case isn't just theoretical. Many industries would be happy to lobby for laws requiring people to buy their products, and Congress has a long history of enacting special-interest legislation." --Ilya Somin

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