What do the companies in these three groups have in common?
Group A. American Motors, Studebaker, Detroit Steel, Maytag and National Sugar Refining.
Group B. Boeing, Campbell Soup, Deere, IBM and Whirlpool.
Group C. Cisco, eBay, McDonald's, Microsoft and Yahoo.All the companies in Group A were in the Fortune 500 in 1955, but not in 2011.
All the companies in Group B were in the Fortune 500 in both 1955 and 2011.
All the companies in Group C were in the Fortune 500 in 2011, but not 1955.
Comparing the Fortune 500 companies in 1955 and 2011, there are only 67 companies that appear in both lists. In other words, only 13.4% of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955 were still on the list 56 years later in 2011, and almost 87% of the companies have either gone bankrupt, merged, gone private, or still exist but have fallen from the top Fortune 500 companies (ranked by gross revenue).
Perry notes that the cause is creative destruction -- the continual economic upheaval necessary for the advancement of humankind. Yes, these changes include ATMs and automated car washes, which certain politicians believe cause unemployment.

• It is the U.S. government, not a corporation, that is the most powerful monopoly on the planet, for it is the largest insurer, guarantor, pension provider, banker, health care system, debtor, etc.
• It is the U.S. government, not a corporation, that grows always larger -- never shrinking -- as temporary politicians attempt to construct a Utopian society that never was and never can be.
• It is the U.S. government, not a corporation, that constantly seeks to evade the laws, the bonds and constraints placed upon it by the Constitution.
• It is the U.S. government, not a corporation, that has the ability to imprison, to punish, to fine under force of law, almost always for the sole purpose of growing larger and confiscating more and more private property.
Those on the Left would do well to consider the government as the world's largest, most powerful corporation. And now that it has breached the firewalls of the Constitution, it is a corporation on the road to total control over its citizens. In fact, some would call it tyranny.
Image: AdClassix.
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