Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: When a Civilization Goes Mad

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When a Civilization Goes Mad: Solway

Rick Perry's Crony Capitalism Problem Is Extremely Troubling: Riehl

The "Allen West For Senate" Boomlet: Hayward

Fleebaggers hold on in WI, but GOP keeps Senate majority: Malkin

Palin And Bachmann, Not Steinem, ARE Feminism: RWN

Rick Perry’s bad, Obama-style medicine: Malkin

Reasonable Obama reasons that he's reasonable: VikingPundit

Philly's flash mobs: mayor aims at black community: CSM

If Bush said this...: TigerHawk


Rick Perry and the Texas Job Numbers: Political Math

Getting Rich the Old-Fashioned Way: Through Government: AmSpec

Obama's "Department of Jobs": FreedomWorks

Every Single One: Holder's Politicized Education Section: PJM

Obamunism + Car Industry = Impending Crash: RWN

Non-Union Boss Shot By Likely Union Member: Ace

Another Favored Obama Green Business Goes Bankrupt: RWN

Union Message for VZ Strikers: 'Open Season...Torture Them': JWF

Rep. Issa: NLRB Has Turned 'Rogue': Max


Firearms from ATF sting linked to 11 more violent crimes: LAT

As Congressman Darrell Issa Chases Fast and Furious, the New York Times Deploys Smoke Screen: BigJourn

John Cornyn demands to know why Fast and Furious supervisors got promotions: Chron


MSNBC Selectively Edits Perry Remark to Smear Him as a Racist: BigJourn

The Darrell Issa Hit Piece: Most Inaccurate NYT Article … Ever?: PJM

Citizen Journalism Stops a Liberal Meme In Its Tracks: RS

The Threat Of Liberal Judicial Activism Reaches New Heights : AT

Can Our Gun Rights Survive Boehner and Reid’s New ‘Super Congress’?: BG

Your Government -- Hard At Work: BlogProf

Whiner-in-Chief: Obama Blames “Little Blogs” And Fox News For Political Vitriol: WZ

Another Example of How the NYTimes Warps Truth: RWN

Barack Obama's 'battle bus' through the US: Telegraph

Kos’s Sexism And Homophobia: RWN

Bitter Cold Hits Hell After Nation Editor Credits Private Sector in States That Are 'Doing Quite Well': NB

Oh-bummer for ObamaCare: Norris


Obama Re-Writes History on Bush and Jerusalem: Commentary

State Department Funds Anti-American Propaganda: Commentary

Allen West Responds To CAIR Demand With One-Word Letter: “NUTS!”: WZ

Obama’s Ramadan Guest List Omits Controversial Attendees: Creeping

Special Accommodation for Sharia in Tennessee: Islamic Head Coverings Exempt from Sheriff Policies: Atlas

Germany, France Slide Toward Recession: Mish


Ever faked a cell phone call? You're not alone: CNet

Spectacular Hercules statue found in Jezreel Valley: Ynet

How to customize Google+ privacy: CNet


Finally, the Beatles Remix of Obama’s Magical Misery Tour: Nice Deb

Obama Street Art: The Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Edition : Urban Infidel

WATCH: Giant Dog Welcomes Soldier Home After Nine Months Apart: Mediaite

What happened to my telephone?: JPA

Do Rich Liberals Understand How Insulting It Is To Average Americans When They Demand Tax Increases?: Glob

The Visceral Terror of a Tea Party Presidency: 10 Thoughts on the Coming Political Warfare of 2012: Tatler

Image: Right Wing News

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Allen West for Congress

QOTD: "The gradual but unrelenting insinuation of socialist and neo-Marxist doctrine into the liberal West, after it has been reliably shown to falter or collapse wherever it has been implemented, is still another index of severe mental disconnect and maladjustment to reality. Command economies are proven to be inefficient, and the welfare state, predicated on the punitive taxation of a shrinking and increasingly insolvent productive base to subsidize ever-inflating entitlement programs, has been properly described as a gigantic Ponzi scheme. Redistributionist and womb-to-tomb security states, as Margaret Thatcher famously said, will eventually run out of other people’s money. Nevertheless, this ideological will-o’-the-wisp continues to be diligently pursued." --David Solway

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