Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 1, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: The Palin Conundrum

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The Palin Conundrum: Nice Deb
Health Redistributionst Donald Berwick to Face Senate: Hot Air
Children's Theater 'Decapitates Sarah Palin': RightPundits

NY: Democrats Indicted on Felony Voter Fraud Charges: MenRec
Detroit Police Station Shooting Video: Bravery On Duty: RWN
CAIR member headed to Egypt to join protests?: Creeping

Sheriff Joe's latest sweep nets 68 illegals: WZ
'This Shows You How Divorced From Reality' Napolitano Is: CNS
Dems mount most aggressive fight yet to protect ObamaCare: Hill


GOP to Revive DC School Vouchers that Dems Killed: BigGovt
IMF to US: Better start taking care of business: Hot Air
Dude, where's my waiver?: IBD

Rand Paul Working on Social Security Reform?: RWN
Havel on Capitalism: Ashbrook
The Corporation: A Thing of Power and Beauty: Bainbridge

Climate & Energy

Is global warming hysteria responsible for Egypt’s revolution?: Bookworm
Another Day, Another Global Warming Lie Debunked: Elephant
Cap and Trade Returns from the Grave: WSJ

The Electric Kool-Aid Car Test: IBD
Green Pay Backers: iOTW
Record monthly snowfalls in the northeast: iOTW


Various & Sundry: Leaderless: Pundette
It’s Inexplicable Photo Caption Contest Time: Part III: IHTM
Sex Tapes, DUIs And Exotic Dancers: Documents Reveal FBI Employees Gone Bad: Mediaite

Politico: “Right Takes Refuge In Constitution”: RWN
Who Is Charles Krauthammer?: PJM
Imagine This Guy Instead of Clarence Dupnik?: iOTW

Introducing the New Self-Appointed Director of Civility in Political Discourse: Malkin
Comedy Gold! Chris Matthews, who derides Palin as stupid, says Panama Canal is in... EGYPT!: BlogProf
Don Imus on Rachel Maddow, “She’s the worst kind of coward and gutless, sniveling worm”: IHTM


Muslim Brotherhood: Arabs Will Topple Leaders Allied With the US: GWP
Media Matters: Egypt Erupts, So Let's Blame ...The Israel Lobby!: LegalIns
Egypt and Iran: Will We Again Fuel the Fires of Revolution?: PJM

Inside the White House' Egypt Scramble: WZ
Obama Doctrine is Failing in the Middle East: Foundry
Special Report: The Revolt in Egypt and U.S. Policy: BRubin

Picking Sides in Egypt: Powers
Fate of Coptic Christians in post-Mubarak Egypt worries some: Caller
Ancient Egypt Could Be Deleted: Zilla

Israel Wary as Egypt Teeters Towards Anarchy: BigPeace
Egypt: Three Possible Outcomes: BRubin
It’s True: The 10 Families Costing the UK £1 Million in Housing Benefits: WZ


Android Trojan Steals Typed or Spoken Credit Card Numbers: Schneier
Google algorithm change tackles content copying: CNet
How To Communicate if Your Government Shuts Off Your Internet: Wired


Captain America Loses "America": GNFR
It's Not Racist, It's Just Math: Ace
Italy's $1.4 Million Pagani Huayra Supercar: Fox

Image: The Lede
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: PACNW Righty
QOTD: "The circle is now complete. This week Barack Obama truly became what many people believe he was all along, the long lost second term of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. The parallel between the snakebit presidency of Carter and the snakebit Presidency of Obama is stunning... How is Obama handling such a crisis in order to not let it go to waste? The exact same way that Jimmy Carter let the congruent 1979 situation in Iran go to waste.

First he criticized the weakened leader of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak. Next Obama threatened to emasculate Mubarak’s standing with the Egyptian military by reducing US financial aid if Mubarak didn’t allow the protests and revolution in the streets to continue... Obama followed up by tacitly signaling that he supports the violent Islamic protests which are backed by the Shariah-compliant extremists of the Moslem Brotherhood... After that, like Carter, Obama showed constant indecision and weakness, which is having the result of undermining our allies and empowering the forces of insanity and evil on the ground in Egypt and other destabilized countries in the region like Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan.

Just like Carter, Obama got us to this point by undermining our only ally in the area, Israel, and empowering all of her regional enemies for the first two years of his presidency." -- Ari David

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