Campaign commercials funded by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) denounce Republicans for their efforts "to end Medicare as we know it."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has attacked his GOP challenger Sharron Angle, claiming that she wants to "gut" Medicare.
But Medicare's Chief Actuary has revealed the sorry truth: ObamaCare is in the process of raping Medicare:
• Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals will be slashed by 30% over the course of the next three years.
• By 2019, Medicare payment rates will have been slashed below those of Medicaid. What this means is truly shocking: Seniors who have paid into Medicare their entire lives will be treated worse than the poverty-stricken and illegal aliens, many of whom have never paid a dime into the system.
• By the end of the ObamaCare projection period, Medicare payments will be one-half of equivalent Medicaid payments.
• ObamaCare slashes $818 billion from Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) from 2014 to 2023 -- the first 10 years of operation. Combined with Medicare Part B cuts (doctor fees and related services), ObamaCare cuts $1.05 trillion in the first ten years and $5 trillion over the first 20 years.
• Medicare Advantage will also be dramatically curtailed by ObamaCare; Medicare's Actuary estimates that half of all seniors with Medicare Advantage will lose their coverage.
The implications of these cuts are as ominous as they are obvious.
Thousands of doctors will stop seeing Medicare patients altogether. Many hospitals will either go out of business or dramatically raise rates on private insurers (two-thirds of hospitals already lose money on Medicare patients, according to the Chief Actuary).
And seniors will suffer most. There will be fewer doctors, surgeons and specialists because of ObamaCare's draconian price controls.
If you're a senior, you better get your ass to the polls in November.
Obama's bald lie -- "If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep it" -- does not apply to any American, least of all seniors.
ObamaCare must be repealed. And for seniors, it's November or never.
Based upon: How ObamaCare Guts Medicare.
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