Why ObamaCare Has Gaping Holes: PattericoCensorship --- Dhimmi Censorship: iOTW
Affirmative Action in Congress: Taxman
Lindsey Graham: My vote for Kagan inspired by Jesus: Hot Air
The Hiroshima Question: AT
McCain Blowing Up Colorado GOP: PJM
No Shady Banking Buddy Left Behind: MalkinSummer of Recovery, Democrat-style: Virtuous Republic
Black Teenage Unemployment: 40.6%: HNN
Unions want baby sitters declared public employees: WashExam
Anger mounts over Michelle's £150k Spanish holiday: MoneyRunner
Interactive Visualization Of Russia On Fire: ZH
Climate & Energy
Global Warming, R.I.P.: ATElectric Car Subsidies Boost the Rich: Post
Hey, let's hire some eco-scoundrels to create agitprop!: CBullitt
Dismantling Joe Klein: CommentaryBloggericide: Ohio Officials Charge Blogger With Campaign Violations: GWP
Putting the Ham Back in Alhambra: MOTUS
Time Magazine: Normal Americans Are Ignorant Bigots: RWN
Michelle’s “Excellent Adventure”: Another sign Obama doesn’t really want to be President: Simon
How's that Hopey Changey Working Out?: Boortz
Media Matters caught red-handed editing Beck audio: Mediaite
Benign Dictatorship and the Progressive Mind: AT
The Foundations of our World: BelmontNukes: Time For a Live Demo: AmDigest
The Word 'Superpower' Should Be Retired?: Dinocrat
Pawlenty Slams Ground Zero Mosque: Unpatriotic of Muslims to Build on “Hallowed and Sacred Ground”: WZ
Lord God, Free At Last: Rifqa Bary’s Victory in Ohio: Chesler
The Manhattan Mosque and Women: AT
The Truth About Digg Patriots: RWNWhat makes a tweet influential? New HP Labs social media research may provide answers: HP
Anthropologists unearth cozy Neanderthal cave sleeping chamber: TAB
Contest: emails Journolist members will send each other if there's a November bloodbath: iOTWDon't Click the Link!: Moe Lane (NSFW)
Boy Scouts Send Prez a Little Message: WZ
Images: DotPenn.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sick of Harry Reid? Support Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate
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