Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 8, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Justice Department steers money to favored groups

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Justice Department steers money to favored groups: York
The shady Shorebank bailout revisited: Malkin
Border Agents Vote 'No Confidence' In ICE Leadership: GWP

Yeah, They Lied (x 10): LegalIns
Caddell: Country's Mood Is "Pre-Revolutionary": Ace
Federalism: if not now, when?: AT


The 'Social Security Trust Fund' Is Broke: Foundry
More 'Unexpected' Economic News: RWN
Geithner's SS report is much worse than it looks: Insider

Michelle Obama is not on food stamps: Surber
Government Motors Buying Off Democrats: BlogProf
Tone Deaf President Still Pushing 'Card Check': GWP

Slave-labor conditions at Sherrods’ farm?: Zombie
Homage to Bretton Woods: Sargen
AFL-CIO Chief Pleads for Union Support: RWN

Climate & Energy

Best Letter Ever: Texas To EPA — GTFO: CBullitt
Obama 'trying to dictate the powertrain... of the future': BlogProf
Texas tells the EPA to pound sand: RWN


Don't Be Scared of Godwin's So-Called Law: AmSpec
The Magical Jesus of Soros and Pelosi: NewsReal
Outrage as Race Ignored in Hiring Decision: RWN

#rsrh Top Ten Signs of DOOM.: Moe Lane
Krugman Will Believe Anything That Makes Health Care Reform Look Good: JOM
We know who's to blame for Omar Thornton's murders of 8: RWN


Terror Alerts Confirm PJM Reporting on Hamas Fundraiser’s Scheduled Memphis Event: PJM
Niqab Security Outrages at Canadian Airports: Pipes
Michelle And Sasha’s Excellent Spanish Adventure…At Taxpayers Expense!: GWP


Android Now Outselling iOS? Explaining the Game of Chess That Google Plays in the Smart Phone Space: Zero Hedge
Platinum-nanoparticle-based catalyst could lead to low-cost, stable fuel cells: Kurzweil AI
Ten Reasons to Love the Bomb: AT


You Manga-nificent Bastards: Lurid Asian "News" Animation Now Does Lindsay Lohan: Ace
NBC Takes Olbermann Off Sunday NFL Broadcasts: SBB
Jefferson was right to fear the courts: AT

Images: People's Cube.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate -- Defeat John McCain

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