Headless body, gutless press: Steyn
Carter on speed: Anchoress
So far, it's been Obamateur hour: Steyn
Why Obama won, and why he's doomed: TAB
Pariah Specter: Penn Live
Windmills of your mindlessness: Steyn
Lowest temp ever recorded in Maine: -50: WU
Obamaland: where dreams go to die: JWF
Restraints on sympathy: Margo's Maid
A night in Chicago: Politico
The bailout mascot: Ms. Underestimated
Phoenix enjoys open border policy: LAT
The 111th Congress Shall Live in Infamy: RS McCain
Bridges TV aims to combat negative images: News (AU)
Blago: the gift that keeps on giving: Clark County Politics
Unreal: Democrats include $1.6 billion for unspecified 'science': Gateway
In Gingrich Mold, a New Voice for Solid Resistance in GOP: Gray Lady
A canine hero: YouTube
Brush-cutting copter cuts it close: Mad Skies
Fool me once, fool me twice: Real Revo
The final stimulus package is the final insult to taxpayers: Reason
$176 million for renovating Agricultural Research Service buildings
$290 million for flood prevention
$50 million for watershed rehabilitation
$1.4 billion for wastewater disposal programs
$295 million for administrative expenses associated with food stamp programs
$1 billion for the 2010 Census
$200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
$650 million for the digital TV converter box coupon program
$2 billion for Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program
$10 million to combat Mexican gunrunners
$125 million for rural communities to combat drug crimes
$1 billion for the Community Oriented Policing Services program
$300 million to purchase scientific instruments for colleges and museums
$400 million for equipment and facilities at the National Science Foundation
$3.7 billion to conduct "green" renovations on military bases
$375 million for Mississippi River projects
$10 million for urban canals
$5 billion for weatherizing buildings
$2 billion to develop advanced batteries for hybrid cars
$3.4 billion for fossil energy research
$5.1 billion for environmental cleanup around military bases
$5.5 billion for "green" federal buildings
$300 million for "green" cars for federal employees
$20 million for IT upgrades at the Small Business Administration
$200 million to design and furnish Department of Homeland Security headquarters
$98 million earmarked for a polar icebreaker...
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