• AJ Strata asks why European Al Qaeda-types are traveling to Pakistan via Iran. Maybe they're just getting cheap duty-free liquor?
• Copious Dissent examines the New York Times polling methodology and comes away stunned -- but not surprised -- at the inherent dishonesty. You may remember the headline: Weak Economy Sours Public’s View of Future, New Poll Finds. The Times studiously misrepresented the most important question of the poll. It asked How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad?. A mere 72% of respondents answered "Very Good" or "Fairly Good."
• Redstate documents the ties between Barack Obama and Intifada:
Obama's association with the ISM through his church and lobbying in Chicago goes even deeper than just his past links to Al Awda and Ali Abunimah. His pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and the Trinity Union Church of Christ in Chicago, are both equally involved with the ISM.
Hmmm. Obama's church supports Hamas terrorists, Farrakhan's Nation of Islam and now this. But I'm certain that Barack never knew that any of these haters and murderers were associated with his church.
• Fausta finds that polygyny is now an acceptable excuse for speeding:
Mohammed Anwar said a ban would make it difficult to commute between his two wives and fulfil his matrimonial duties... His lawyer told a Scottish court the Muslim restaurant owner has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow - he is allowed up to four under his religion - and sleeps with them on alternate nights... Airdrie Sheriff Court had heard that Anwar was caught driving at 64mph in a 30mph zone in Glasgow, fast enough to qualify for instant disqualification... Anwar admitted the offence, but Sheriff John C. Morris accepted his plea not to be banned and allowed him to keep his licence.
Extra wives to avoid speeding tickets, you say? Hmmm.... interesting...
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