• Obama's Communist Mentor. Listening to Obama's victory speech last night was a little like a flashback to a Pravda editorial, circa 1978. I'd call Obama's vision the nanny state, but a nanny for every citizen is a lot less expensive. At Commentary Magazine, Abe Greenwald lists some of Obama's negatives: Plagiarism, broken promises, questionable advisors, an extreme liberal voting record, and classic socialist economic policies. Can you say "wealth redistribution"?
• The Canadian High Commissioner of Thought Crimes who interrogated Ezra Levant has resigned. Perhaps there's an opening at the BMV; she certainly has the requisite intelligence and personality.

• What did Michelle Obama really say? The Dread Pundit Bluto reports it was doubly shameful.
• In Britain, big welfare cuts are on the way (if you're not British). Wait... a... second... that gives me an idea!
• No, he's not suffering from a brain-crippling fever. Gaius has good reason to quote Michael Medved. Hey! I'm serious here!
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