National Defense 101: A public service for "Progressives"
In our continuing efforts to educate "Progressives" as to the nature of the enemy, we present the first course material for National Defense 101 - an Introduction to the Enemy and Methods to Defeat it. This easy-to-follow, illustrated guide literally spells out the basics for our less-educated friends on the Left.
"It helped me beat a moonbat in '04, becoming one of the first Blue-Dog Democrats!" --Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) "ND 101 helped me become one of the most conservative Democrats in Congress!" --Mike McIntyre (D-NC) "I've learned to be pro-defense, pro-gun and anti-tax!" --Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR) |
Ready to get started?
Lesson 1: The NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program
Many "progressives" decry the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program that wiretaps international communications between U.S. citizens and terrorist enclaves. There are many legal arguments that bolster the argument for the legal validity of these wiretaps, given the fact that they transit the border into other countries.
But here's a simple example that demonstrates why this surveillance is entirely legal and always has been.

Let's say you've saved up some money for the big trip you've always wanted to take. You want to visit Egypt and see the pyramids, the Sphinx, and Luxor.

In preparation for the trip, of course, you'll need a passport that represents permission to leave and re-enter the country.

Once you get to the airport, you'll go through security, where your person and belongings can be searched without a warrant.

And because you're traveling on an international flight, you and your baggage will also go through Customs.

Customs may elect to detain you, search you and your belongings again, all without a warrant.

Any and all belongs, including your clothing, can be searched.

After submitting to these various -- entirely legal -- inspections, you are free to continue your trip. Provided, of course, you are not concealing contraband or other illegal items.

The NSA International Terrorist Surveillance Program, as described by the New York Times, is entirely legal. It is no different than the type of scrutiny an international traveler undergoes.

Given the prevalence of disposable, prepaid cell-phones, waiting for a warrant to track calls to terrorist enclaves in foreign countries isn't remotely feasible.

Acting quickly to track these international communications isn't just legal, it's a requirement in today's world.

Lesson Learned: Listening in on international calls isn't any different than the scrutiny all international travelers expect throughout the world.
Oven-fresh good readin', just like Mama used to make:
Blue Crab Boulevard: Voting ourselves off the island
Captain's Quarters: Return To First Principles
Kevin McCullough: Libs: standing on the shoulders of crash dummies
Michelle Malkin: Debunking a YouTube moonbat
OTB: Feingold punts
Sister Toldjah: What the far left expects from a Democratic Congress
STACLU: Advice From The Captain On Surviving The Midterms
Wizbang: Read this!
* Not really, but who's counting?
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