Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 8, 2006

Today's Rant: Party of Weakness vs. the Nihilistic Cabal

Thursday's news highlights the simple arithmetic that seems to baffle many on the Left. We are at war with extremists who seek mass-murder and, ultimately, the utter destruction of the West.

Thursday saw the exposure of a plot to kill thousands of civilians traveling on US airliners. The same day, Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets hammered apartment buildings in Israel. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised a response to the UN's demands that Iran cease uranium enrichment on August 22, a date with religious significance for devout Shiites. India's intelligence services reports that Al Qaeda is active in Kashmir and may have been responsible for the attacks last month in Mumbai. Also in July, North Korea's bizarre leadership launched ballistic missiles near Japan.

...When the jets were in midair over American cities, they planned to combine the explosives and detonate them using an electric charge from an iPod, the security services believe. [British Airways] flights were among the targets. US officials said the bombers had been seeking to hit New York, Washington, San Francisco, Boston and Los Angeles. Other airlines targeted were thought to be United, American and Continental...

In this dangerous world, the Democrats have skirted responsibility for national defense. Beyond Iraq, they have pilloried warrantless wiretaps, the SWIFT international funds-tracking program, data-mining of inter-country phone records, interrogation at Guantanamo, rendition programs... in other words, every tool used by the British to reverse-engineer a plot to kill children and other innocents over the Atlantic.

We can look at Joe Lieberman for the direction of today's Democratic party. Michael Moore, the ostensible voice of the hard Left, placed his threats to fellow Democrats directly on his website:

...Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war... while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land...

To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war... I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war...

JFK, FDR, and Harry Truman would have been excommunicated by today's George Soros-funded Democrats. JFK cut taxes, raised defense spending, and invaded Vietnam. Truman ended war in the Pacific theater by nuking Japan. And FDR battled the isolationists to launch a multi-front worldwide war on fascism.

Running as the antiwar party in a world torn asunder by suicidal extremists will be anathema to the vast majority of US citizens. Today, we face a threat more challenging than the Third Reich: Iran's mullahs are Hitler with nukes. Worse, they represent only the leadership of a worldwide, nihilistic cabal of extremists bent on destruction.

Apparently, the attacks in Manhattan, Washington, Bali, Beslan, Madrid, London, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Israel, Mumbai, Kashmir, Thailand, Darfur, Somalia, Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines are of no concern to the Left. Either that, or they haven't sufficient intellect to connect the dots.

Instead of facing up to the threat, today's Democrats have abdicated that responsibility and sacrificed country for partisan advantage. In today's environment, when the question is one of national security, the answer can never be a Democrat.

At least not until the day they decide to take this war seriously. Until that day, the Left will continue to lead the Democratic Party in the direction it knows best, which is to lose elections. My prediction is that the GOP will maintain control of the House and Senate. The Party of Weakness will never win favor with most Americans. That is, until the the Democratic party becomes suitable for the likes of FDR, Truman, and JFK once again.

While cutting-and-running from Iraq may bring a brief respite, history repeatedly demonstrates that appeasement of terrorists, dictators, and extremists only defers the inevitable. How many decades did US troops maintain a presence in Japan after World War II? How many decades in Germany? Did the presence of the US Military bring stability and, ultimately, incredible economic gentrification to those regions?

The US War on Terror should be a bipartisan effort. That is what Joe Lieberman represented. And that effort is no more. The Democrats are opposed to every tool and every tactic used to defeat terror. Each and every Republican running for office this cycle will point this fact out and ask his opponent to describe how this war can be won. There will be no answers forthcoming from the Party of Weakness and Appeasement, now that its strings are pulled by Kos, Moore, and Soros.

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