CBS: And the Hits Just Keep on Comin'

As was pointed out today by a surprisingly eloquent Pat Buchanan on the Imus show, the forgery of military documents (even without the intent to overthrow a sitting President) is a Felony Offense.
Before it's all said and done, odds are someone will be serving time over this and related activities. The Captain sums up the recent fallout and reports that the fired CBS employees may file a wrongful termination lawsuit. That's good news, according to Cappie Ed, because... well, just read it. In short, when you shine a flashlight into a dirty pantry, the cockroaches are gonna go scurrying:
...Al Neuharth, founder of USA Today, calls out CBS for its inaction:
Interestingly and somewhat ironically, the paid advertisement for Neuharth's screed promotes NBC's Nightly News with new anchorman Brian Williams. Williams strikes a skeptical look for the camera, a hilarious counterpoint to Neuharth's scolding. He gazes out from the page as if thinking, "That's all you got?" ... ...Neuharth isn't the only one taking CBS to the woodshed today. Charles Krauthammer at the Washington Post also considers their response completely unaccpetable and says so in much stronger terms than Neuharth:
If Les Moonves hoped to bury this scandal by using a supposedly independent panel, he finds himself very much in error... ...The four fired employees reportedly will fire wrongful-termination lawsuits against Viacom and CBS, a development we should all support. Not that the four didn't deserve to get fired, or even that their terminations were unfair in light of the escapes of Heyward and Rather; they all clearly deserved termination for incompetence at the least, and Mapes for a breathtaking record of lies and misleading statements connected to the story which should destroy her credibility for all time. No, the depositions and testimony of the lawsuit will finally force CBS and its executives -- including Dan Rather -- to come completely clean about the collapse of the once-dominant broadcast news outlet, and the mainstream media in general. |
CQ: CBS: the Fallout Continues
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