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John Kerry calls Bob Dole: the Conversation

Presidential candidate John Kerry telephoned former Sen. Bob Dole this morning to complain about Dole's demand a day earlier that he apologize to Vietnam veterans for protesting the war, the one-time Republican presidential candidate revealed Monday afternoon. "John Kerry called me this morning, which surprised me," Dole told radio host Sean Hannity. "He said he was very disappointed, we'd been friends. I said John, we're still friends, but [the Swiftvets] have First Amendment rights, just as your people have First Amendment rights." Dole told Kerry, "I'm not trying to stir anything up, but I don't believe every one of these people who have talked about what happened are Republican liars. And very frankly, Bush is my guy, and I'm tired of people on your side calling him everything from a coward to a traitor to everything - a deserter." Dole said he urged Kerry, "Why don't you call George Bush today and say, 'Mr. President, let's stop all this stuff about the National Guard and Vietnam - and let's talk about the issues." Dole said Kerry responded, "I haven't spent one dime attacking President Bush." But the Republican war hero shot back, "You don't have to. You've got all the so-called mainstream media, plus you've got MoveOn.org and all these other groups that have spent millions and millions of dollars trying to tarnish Bush's image." "Don't tell me you don't know what some of these people are doing," he told Kerry. "Everybody likes quiet heroes," Dole added, saying he told Kerry, "John, everybody knows you were in Vietnam and the less you say about it, the better." Dole said he tried to end the tense conversation cordially by telling Kerry, "I wish you good luck, up to a point." |
Dole Defends Swiftees in Call From Kerry
Missing Pages
The CommandPost notes that 20 pages disappeared from the Kerry website.
The Kerry campaign removed a 20-page batch of documents yesterday from its website after The Boston Globe quoted a Navy officer who said the documents wrongly portrayed Kerry’s service. Edward Peck had said he — not Kerry — was the skipper of Navy boat No. 94 at a time when the Kerry campaign website credited the senator with serving on the boat. The website had described Kerry’s boat as being hit by rockets and said a crewmate was injured in an attack. But Peck said those events happened when he was the skipper. The campaign did not respond to a request to explain why the records were removed... |
Kerry Website Revised
October Surprise: Incoming!!
The Swiftvets board has some rumblings of an "October Surprise". That would be major revelations that will (allegedly) further damage Kerry. Here's the heart of the discussion:
Even my brothers in SBVT don't know it yet, but Kerry (pituie) is in for an even bigger supprise before then. How is he going to disprove copies of the actual documents created during his time in Nam which proves what we have been saying. Radio logs, damage reports, spot reports, After action reports... the list goes on. Within the next three days I will be disclosing to the media the location of all the original documents, and how to contact the holder of those documents. Ever wonder where all those reports we wrote went when we left there. I don't. because I know. Kerry!!! Incoming!!! Stand by for heavy rolls to starboard then port.!!! Your worst nightmare, Sen Kerry. A brown water sailor from Nam with knowledge of supporting documentation. Gotcha. |
Everyone, Let that be a lesson to you officers out there. Treat your communications pukes nicely. They handle and know an embarassing amount of information....as a certain person *cough* JFK *cough* is about to discover. If I am wrong, I am wrong. I don't think I am. Smile. |
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